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This example written in PHP allows users to manage VoipNow accounts and fetch call statistics. Download.

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This demonstrative code SHOULD NOT be used in production. It is designed to show how a client application interacts with the VoipNow SystemAPI. From this perspective, validations and error-checks aiming to demonstrate the most common mistakes are minimal and can be done easily.

This example applies for access token at administrator level.


How To Install It

System Requirements

In order to be able to use the SystemAPI PHP Tool, your system must be compliant with the requirements below:

  • Your system needs to have PHP 5.1.2 or any subsequent version installed.
  • PHP must be compiled using the --enable-soap configuration option.
  • The SystemAPI PHP Tool requires the PHP extension libxml - Version 2.5.4 or any subsequent version.


To create a user by means of a template, you must set the configuration variable $template_id to a valid VoipNow template ID. The SystemAPI web service allows you to get the list of all the templates in the system by calling GetTemplates, an operation available under the PBX component. For more details on how to use this operation, please read SystemAPI documentation.

To create a user by means of a charging plan, you must set the configuration variable $billing_plan_id to a valid VoipNow charging plan ID. The SystemAPI web service allows you to get the list of all the charging plans in the system by calling GetTemplates, an operation available under the PBX component. For more details on how to use this operation, please read SystemAPI documentation.

Call Costs


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