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If you choose either the Set by equipment or the Set by user options, the Currently using CallerID numbers line will be disabled. You will not be able to select a CallerID to be associated with the extension's outgoing calls.

Image RemovedImage Added

Screenshot: Extension Form


It is possible to assign CallerIDs associated with DIDs that are on the client pool, but they cannot be already assigned to any extension.

Image RemovedImage Added

Screenshot: Public Phone Numbers Selection Pop-Up


  • Enable Voicemail: Allows the extension to use the Voicemail function. Enabling the Voicemail recording will allow you to manage the extension's voicemails sharing by editing its Roles and phone numbers.
  • Mailbox Storage Space: The space limit allowed for the mailbox. Specify the number of Mb that the mailbox should not exceed. If you do not want to set a size limit, select the Unlimited checkbox.
  • Auto Delete Messages Older than <x> Days: Specify after how many days all messages will be auto-deleted. Between 1 and 999.
  • New Message Notification: Choose the action that VoipNow will perform when the extension receives a new voicemail message:
    • Send alert email - Allows the extension owner to receive an email notifying them about a new voicemail message.
    • Send message by email - Allows the extension owner to receive the new voicemail message file by email.
  • Voicemail Password: The password requested when the mailbox is accessed over the phone. If you do not set a password for the voice mailbox, the extension owner will not be able to access their mailbox over the phone. However, the owner will still be able to manage the voice mailbox through the VoipNow interface.
  • Voicemail Automatically Answers After <x> Seconds: If enabled and the extension user does not answer in <x> seconds, the call will be transferred to Voicemail.
  • Exit to operator on key press: With a simple press on 0, this option allows the caller to exit Voicemail and connect to an Operator, i.e. another extension available to take the callThis option is suitable for callers who do not want to leave a voicemail message and would rather have their call taken over by an Operator. To set an Operator, click the Image Removed icon Image Added icon and select an extension of your choice from the list. Please note that only extensions with an enabled multiuser aware permission can function as Operators.
  • Add Extension to Company Directory: Add the extension to the list containing the company's extension numbers. The company directory has a functionality similar to a phone agenda and can be accessed either directly from the keypad by dialing *22 or by using a specially designed IVR action called Play company directory; It can be used if you want to call a certain extension, but you do not know its number; you will be asked for the name you are looking for and all the numbers matching that key combination will be played. It is not mandatory to add the extension to the company directory. Therefore, have in mind that the extension's number will not be returned as a search result when someone is looking for it if you did not previously add it to the list.


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