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If you want to customize DNS Manager to meet your requirements, you can use the command line utilities included in the software distribution. This way you can configure the low level engine and the DNS Manager interface.

Low level engine configuration

The file /etc/dnsmanager/dnsmanager.conf contains several directives which control the DNS Manager low level behavior.

These directives cannot be modified using the browser interface. You should only modify them if you fully understand their functionality.

These values are modified during the product installation based on admin input. If you change these values, you might experience problems.

The following directives are included in the list:


The directory containing the DNS Manager interface files. The default value is /usr/local/dnsmanager.

DNSMANAGER_RC_DThe script used for start/stop dnsmanager daemon. On Red Hat RPM installation the script location is /etc/rc.d/init.d/dnsmanager.
MYSQL_BIN_DThe MySQL binary directory. The MySQL location on Red Hat RPM installation is /usr/bin.
MYSQL_RC_DThe script used for start/stop MySQL daemon. The script location on a Red Hat RPM installation is /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql.
MYSQL_VAR_DThe MySQL databases directory. The default location on a Red Hat RPM installation is /var/lib/mysql
The name of named daemon. Depending on Red Hat distribution used, can be named or named-chroot. On Red Hat RPM installation is used named-chroot.
RNDC_BIN_DThe path to rndc binary used for communicating with named. The default location is /usr/sbin.
ZONEMNG_RC_DThe default location is /etc/rc.d/init.d/zonemngd.
UPDATEURL_RC_DThe default location is /etc/rc.d/init.d/updateurld.
NAMED_D The root directory for the named daemon. On Red Hat RPM installation the named root directory is /var/named/chroot.
NAMED_FILEThe named configuration file relative to NAMED_D. The default value is /etc/dnsmanager.include.

The named binary directory. On a Red Hat standard RPM installation the default is /usr/sbin.

RNDC_FILEThe rndc configuration file. The default value is /etc/rndc.conf.
MASTER_DThe named master zone files location. The default value is /var/named.
SECONDARY_DThe named slave zones files location. The default value is /var/named/slaves.
TEMPLATES_DThe directory containing the monitoring email templates. The default value is /var/lib/dnsmanager/templates.
TEMP_DThe temporary working directory for DNS Manager. The default value is /usr/local/dnsmanager/tmp.
DOWNLOAD_DThe temporary directory used by DNS Manager to download files with DNS Zone information from remote locations. The default value is /usr/local/dnsmanager/tmp/download.
DAEMON_NAMEThe name of the Bind daemon. This name is used by DNS Manager for monitoring and other operations. The default value is named.
SENDMAIL_BIN_FILEThe path to sendmail file. The default value is /usr/sbin/sendmail -t.
DIG_BIN_D Dig application path. The default value is /usr/bin.
YUM_BIN_D The yum updater binary directory. On Red Hat RPM installation, the yum binary directory is /usr/bin.
YUM_CACHE_DThe folder used as installer directory. The default value is /var/cache/dnsmanager.
DUMPS_DThe daily dumps directory. The default value is /var/lib/dnsmanager/dumps.
DNSMANAGER_LOG_DThe folder used as logging directory. The default value is /var/log/dnsmanager.
NAMED_USERNAMEThe username under which named service runs. The default value is named.
NAMED_GROUPThe group name under which the named service runs. The default value is named.
ZONEMNG_PID_FILEThe zonemng process ID file. The default value is /var/run/
UPDATEURL_PID_FILEThe updateurld process ID file. The default value is /var/run/dnsmanager/
UPDATEURL_USERThe user updateurld is running as. The default value is dnsmanager.
UPDATEURL_GROUPThe group updateurld is running as. The default value is dnsmanager.
DOWNLOAD_URL_TIMEOUTThe time granted to download a file from a remote location (seconds). You may increase this value if you experience download problems. The default value is 45.
DOWNLOAD_URL_CONNECT_TIMEOUTTime granted to the remote update process to connect to a remote location (seconds). You may increase this value if you experience download problems. The default value is 15.
UPDATEURL_CONCURRENCY_LIMITMaximum number of concurrent processes in updateurld. The default value is 10.
ZONEMNG_CONCURRENCY_LIMITMaximum number of concurrent processes in zonemngd. The default value is 10.
MAX_DOWNLOAD_THREADSMaximum number of concurrent download processes. The default value is 20.
MAX_DAILY_RESTARTMaximum number of daily named restarts made by DNS Manager. Default: 20.
MAX_FILE_SIZEThe maximum size of a file DNS Manager will download from a remote location (kB). The default value is 1000.

The maximum number of DNS Zones which can exist in a remote update file. DNS Manager will not process a larger number of DNS Zones. The default value is 10000.


The maximum number of DNS records in a zone file. The default value is 500.

ZONEMNG_RUN_INTERVALThe interval in seconds when zonemng is getting changes from database. The default value is 120.
UPDATEURL_RUN_INTERVALThe interval in seconds when updateurl is trying to download URLs. The default value is 120.
ZONE_SERIAL RFCDNS Manager can write the zone serial number in two formats (RFC1912 and timestamp). Valid options: RFC and timestamp. The default value is RFC.
DB_HOSTThe hostname used by DNS Manager low-level scripts to connect to the database.

The database name used by DNS Manager.

Do not change this value because DNS Manager requires the dnsmanager database name.

DB_USERThe user DNS Manager uses to connect to the database.
DB_PASSWDThe password DNS Manager uses to connect to the database.
??RRMONIT_MAX_THREADSThe maximum number of threads used by the rrmonitd deamon when monitoring records. The default value is 4.
RRMONIT_TIMEOUTThe timeout interval for the rrmonitd deamon. The default value is 15.
RRMONIT_POLLING_INTERVALThe time interval used by rrmonitd between two consecutive polling list read. The default value is 30.
RRMONIT_CONCURRENCYThe number of threads for monitoring daemon. The default value is 4.
RRMONIT_DRIFT Seconds to delay the concurrent polls that exceed. The default value is 7.
RRMONIT_PID_FILEPID file for the rrmonitd deamon. The default value is /var/run/dnsmanager/
RRMONIT_DThe monitoring scripts path for the rrmonitd deamon. The default value is /usr/local/dnsmanager/rrmonit/bin.
RRMONIT_RC_Drrmonitd start/stop script. The default value is /etc/init.d/rrmonitd.
UPDATEURL_LOG_ENGINE_TYPEThe name of log engine used by updateurl. Can be set to zlog, stdlog or syslog. Default value is zlog.
UPDATEURL_LOG_ENGINE_DATAThe configuration file for output logs when zlog is used as log engine for updateurl. The default value is /etc/dnsmanager/zlog_updateurl.conf.
UPDATEURL_LOG_LEVELThe value of log level set for updateurld. Log level can be one of: EMERG, ALERT, CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO, DEBUG. Default value is WARNING.
ZONEMNG_LOG_ENGINE_TYPEThe name of log engine used by zonemng. Can be set to zlog, stdlog or syslog. Default value is zlog.
ZONEMNG_LOG_ENGINE_DATAThe configuration file for output logs when zlog is used as log engine for zonemng. The default value is /etc/dnsmanager/zlog_zonemng.conf.
ZONEMNG_LOG_LEVELThe value of log level set for zonemngd. Log level can be one of: EMERG, ALERT, CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO, DEBUG. Default value is WARNING.
RRMONIT_LOG_ENGINE_TYPEThe name of log engine used by rrmonitd. Can be set to zlog, stdlog or syslog. Default value is zlog.
RRMONIT_LOG_ENGINE_DATA The configuration file for output logs when zlog is used as log engine for rrmonitd. The default value is /etc/dnsmanager/zlog_rrmonitd.conf.
RRMONIT_LOG_LEVELThe value of log level set for rrmonitd. Log level can be one of: EMERG, ALERT, CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO, DEBUG. Default value is WARNING.

Path of named dnsmanager.acl configuration file, relative to NAMED_D (/etc/dnsmanager.acl).

Monitoring script configuration file

The file /etc/dnsmanager/monitoring.conf contains the services that are monitored and describes the behavior of the monitoring service.

The following directives are included in the file:

MONIT_EMAILSNumber of daily emails sent by monitoring daemon.
MONIT_RESTARTS Number of daily monitoring daemon restarts.
NAMED_MONIT 1 DNS server monitoring service. Values: 1 - enabled, or 0 - disabled.
MYSQL_MONIT 0MySQL server monitoring service. Values: 1 - enabled, or 0 - disabled.
DNSMHTTP_MONIT 0 Interface monitoring service. Values: 1 - enabled, or 0 - disabled.
ZONEMNG_MONIT 1zonemng monitoring service. Values: 1 - enabled, or 0 - disabled.
UPDATEURL_MONIT 1 updateurl monitoring service. Values: 1 - enabled, or 0 - disabled.
RRMONIT_MONIT 1 rrmonit monitoring service. Values: 1 - enabled, or 0 - disabled.
ALERT_EMAILThe email address where the notifications will be sent.
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