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This page explains how to add, edit and remove custom buttons for a client.


To manage a client's custom buttons, click the Custom buttons button. You'll be redirected to a new page where you can add new buttons, edit and delete the buttons available.

The Custom Buttons table displays the following details: 

  • S: The status of the button displayed using an icon: enabled or disabled;
  • A: The button's availability;
  • L: The location of the button; it can be in the left or the right panel; 
  • I: The icon associated with the button

If the button is associated with the default icon, DNS Manager displays the following details:

  • Label: This is the label that will be displayed under the button.
  • URL: This is the URL which will open in a pop-up window when you click the button
  • Priority: The value in this text box defines the order in which the custom buttons are displayed in the interface.

The information can be sorted by button label, URL, and context help by clicking the table header links.

Adding custom buttons

To add a new button, click Add custom button in the Actions area and set the button's details following the explanations below: 

  • Label: This is the label that will be displayed under the button.
  • Title: This is the tip that will be displayed when the mouse is positioned on the button's icon.
  • Location: Use the drop-down list to select where the button will be displayed:
  • Default image: When enabled, this option displays a default icon for the button. If you leave it disabled, additional controls will be displayed allowing you to load custom icons for the button. Use the Browse button to locate a graphic file on your computer.
  • Client ID: When enabled, the ID of the currently selected client is appended to the URL linked with the button (e.g.<cl_id>)
  • Priority: The value in this text box defines the order in which the custom buttons are displayed in the interface.
  • URL: This is the URL which will open in a pop-up window, when you click the button.
  • Context help: This is the description of the button that will appear in the context help area on mouse-over.
  • Inheritance level – From the drop-down list, select the visibility of the button. If you select 0, the button will be visible only to the client user. If you select 1, the button will become visible to multiple users.
  • Action: From the drop-down list, select whether you want the URL to open in the current window or in a new window

When you're done, click OK. If you want to return to the previous page without saving the button, click Cancel.

Editing custom buttons

To edit existing buttons, click the button label link. You can modify the fields, as explained above. Click OK to update the button's details. Click Cancel, if you want to return to the previous page without saving the changes.

Removing custom buttons

To delete a custom button, select its corresponding checkbox and click the Remove Selected link. Since the button will be permanently deleted, you will have to confirm this operation by selecting OK. 

You can delete several buttons at the same time.

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