This page describes the request parameters used by Call Interactive.
Custom Request Parameters
The system can add to the HTTP request extra parameters that pre-configured an IVR or are specific to that IVR only.
Static parameters
The parameters will not be changed by the service as they are pre-configured with a static value. To use them, your URL must have the following structure:
In the above example, custom_variable1
and custom_variable2
are called static parameters.
Interactive parameters
The values of these parameters will be set up by the service with the variables previously assigned on the IVR using actions like Record digits to variable or Set variable.
The variables can also be added to the IVR using Call Interactive with the SetVar
verb (for more details, please see the Response Structure section).
For example, the following request contains only interactive parameters:
Where $variable1
will be replaced by the service with the value of the custom_variable1 variable and $variable2
with the value of the custom_variable2 variable. If one of the variables has not been previously set up in the IVR, then these variables will be null.
STEP 1: Add the Record digits to variable action to the IVR and configure it.
Record 6 digits to the variable subscription
STEP 2: Add the Call Interactive and set up its parameters.
Call Interactive with the method GET and the URL.
STEP 3: Check that the Record action is executed in the call flow BEFORE the Call Interactive action.
Suppose that a user enters the 934924
, the request URL sent to the remote application will be the following:
Default Request Parameters
By default, some extra request parameters are always added to the request by the service.
Name | Occurrence | Type | Description |
CallID | 1 | String | Unique identifier of the call. |
CallerIDNum | 1 | String | The caller's CallerID number. |
CallerIDName | 1 | String | The caller's CallerID name. |
CalledDID | 1 | String | The called public number (if available). |
CalledExtension | 1 | String | The number of IVR in extended format (e.g. |
CallStatus | 1 | String | The call status. This parameter is set to the following values, depending on the event type: For the Dial-In and the Dial-Out event types, the parameter is set to CALLING.
CallFlow | 1 | String | The call flow. Always set to IN. |
CallerExtension | 1 | String | The number of the extension that called the IVR. Only if the call was inside the server. |
CalledNumber | 1 | String | The number that was dialed by the caller (can be an external number: |
CallAPIID | 1 | String | The call ID that is auto-generated and maintained for the entire duration of the call, no matter how many transfers are performed. This variable can be used to identify in the Call Events the calls started using a UnifiedAPI request. |
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